June 30 ~ Sunday

The garden pickin's for the day.

I slept in nice and late today.
Jeff finished making the parakeets bird house and we got installed on the back of the cage.
We both worked in the yard and garden for awhile despite the fact the temp was close to 100 degrees.
We went to the 99¢ store then to Costco to get some food then came home.
We watched Falling Skies.

June 29 ~ Saturday

The garden is growing in nicely.

Jeff went to karate this morning and I stayed home and worked around the house.
In the mid afternoon I drove Alex (in the unbelievable HOT weather) over to Andrews house for a party.
In the evening Jeff and I went to the market and after trying to pick up Alex (he ended up staying later) we came back home.
I made casserole for dinner and we watched Continuum.

June 28 ~ Friday

The finches enjoying one of the nest boxes Jeff made them.

Jeff had a private lesson with Mike today.
I went shopping, then picked him up and we stopped at Raphs for some produce and went home.
Most of the day was spent working in the yard and garden.
It was SO hot today almost 100 degrees.
We took a quick trip to the post office in the mid afternoon then came back and relaxed in the air conditioning.
Tonight we watched another Defiance.

June 27 ~ Thursday

Jeffrey looking for the perfect wave.

I took the kids to the beach today.
Olivia was going to go with us but she changed her mind so I drove her home on the way there.
It was so hot by our house today (about 940 but down at the beach it was foggy and only 74.
I found a home for 2 of my parakeets this morning with a nice lady who has a huge aviary for them. Now the other 2 can be alone since it seems they are in love.
This evening we watched Defiance.

June 26 ~ Wednesday

The cage I got today.

We worked in the garden this morning then Jeff and I went out to Ralphs and stopped by the dojo.
The kids had Karate this afternoon and while I waited I went to the 99¢ store and the Goodwill where I picked up a nice older birdcage for $5.
I picked the kids up came home and talked to Kip on the phone for awhile.
I went back and picked up Jeff then came home and we watched Defiance tonight.

June 25 ~ Tuesday

The little lizard living outside the kitchen.

Jeff and I picked up Jeffrey from Sawyers house around 10.
Olivia and Jacob came over for part of the day. I made casserole and mac n cheese for lunch.
Jeff and I worked in the yard until I drove Jeff & Jeffrey down to the dojo. I went to the 99¢ store then came around and picked Jeffrey up.
I picked up Jeff at 7 and brought him home.
We watched Warehouse 13 tonight.

June 24 ~ Monday

The free cinder blocks.

We drove up out to Moorpark this morning to pick 20+ fancy cinder blocks that we are going to use to make planters.
We stopped at Dr G's on the way home.
Jeff and I went out to the Dollar Store, the new post office and then stopped at the dojo where we met a lady who was asking about possibly renting the dojo during the day.
I took the kids to karate and when I picked them up I dropped Jeffery at Sayers and stayed and talked to Barbara for almost an hour.
I took Katherine home and then went back out get Jeff.
Tonight we watched Falling Skies,

June 23 ~ Sunday

Katherine made the hammies a cardboard maze.

This morning we drove Katherine and Jeffrey to the Simons.
On the way home we went to the 99¢ store and Home Depot for soil.
We worked in the yard most of the day.
They got driven home in the evening.
We watched Continuum tonight.

June 22 ~ Saturday

Here are a few of the finches eating.

Em left to go back to Seattle this morning.
I miss her already.
Sarah drove her to the airport.
Jeff went to Karate and I spent the morning catching up on this blog.
 In the afternoon we drove Jeffrey to his friends Martins house for an end of year party then Jeff and I went to Ralphs, got some gas and went to Costco.
After that we went across the street and picked up a dozen society finches for free from Petsmart.
We brought them home and set them up a cage.
We worked in the yard some and I made Tacos for dinner.
We picked Jeffrey up from the party at 7.
Tonight we watched Warehouse 13.

June 21 ~Friday

Jeffrey waiting for a good wave.

Today I took Alex, Jeffrey and Katherine to the beach late in the afternoon. We met Emily there and enjoyed the first long day of summer.
We got home around 7 PM and after running to the market to pick up cereal and a few other supplies we came home and watched Falling Skies. I sat up and talked to Em until almost midnight.

June 20 ~ Thursday

Our new little turtle.

This morning I had another appt with Dr. G.
I spent the morning after that talking with Em and then I broke out the home movies and we watched our trip to to Russia to get Katherine.
Sarah drove Em out to see her friend Savannah and she's going to spend the night and meet us at the beach tomorrow.
I made hamburgers for dinner.
When Jeff got home from Karate we ran down the street and picked up a free baby red ear slider turtle and then a few blocks away picked up a huge box of packing peanuts and light table for drafting or slides (also all free).
We watched Falling Slides tonight.

June 19 ~ Wednesday

The card Jeff got me.

Happy Anniversary to my wonderful Hubby!!!
Still love him as much as the day I married him. More I think!
Today Em finally got here and it was great to see her!
She came with me to drop the kids off at KArate and we went to the dollar store then picked them up and came home.
We watched the Orphan Black finale tonight. So sad we won't see it again until next spring.

June 18 ~ Tuesday

The bamboo.

This morning Jeff and I drove out to Ventura and got a nice big stand of Bamboo that had been dug out of someones yard.
We got it home and planted it.
Mark came out and took Alex and Sarah to The Man of Steel movie.
Jeff went to Karate. I picked up some free clothes for Katherine.
I made a casserole for dinner and we watched another Orpha Black.

June 17 ~ Monday

Our leaf pile is disappearing.

Another trip to Dr G this morning. CRACK!
Jeff had a private lesson with Mike Corr and during that time Katherine and I went shopping and the 99¢ store and the Goodwill.
When we all got home we worked in the yard.
The kids went to Karate this afternoon and after they were done I drove Jeffrey to Masons.
I picked up Jeff at Vons (John dropped him off there) and we came home and watched Orphan Black.

June 16 ~ Sunday

Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!!
Erin and Kevin took us all out to lunch at Sooki's today.
It was really nice and we enjoyed their company.
At home we worked in the yard filling up the trash can and even were able to use the neighbor's can to get even more more stuff chopped up and thrown away.
We drove over to the dojo and picked up boxes and some bottle recycling.
At home I made cupcakes (finally) for Alex's graduation.
We watched Warehouse 13 tonight.

June 15 ~ Saturday

Out fake snake that scares the crows away so they don't pull up the pumpkin sprouts.

Katherine and I spent the morning cleaning.
Mark came out and took Alex and Sarah to lunch.
Then he dropped Alex off at a graduation party.
We worked in the yard and I made tacos for dinner.
We picked Alex up around 9:30 and came home and watched Continuum.

June 14 ~ Friday

This little bluebird is hanging around the yard every day.

I picked up Alex from Westlake at 5 AM this morning when he returned from Grad Nite.
(UGH no fun).
I came home and went back to bed for a couple of hours.
Jeff went out to the valley and visited his friend Terri and Katherine and I cleaned the kitchen and dining room.
The kids and i played with the hamsters and the birds for a little while.
Tonight we watched Orphan Black.

June 13 ~ Thursday

Alex, minus his hat which got tossed in the air.

A high school grad at last!
And with highest honors! We are SO proud of him!

Jeff, Katherine and I went to Alex's grad ceremony. We saw Arnold, Gloria and Mark there. We got there later than we should have and ended up not getting seats. But we found places in the shade and Katherine and I sat on the ground in the handicap section. We visited with Alex after the ceremony and then he took off for Grad Nite.

June 12 ~ Wednesday

Lilies blooming in the yard.

Today was Alex's last day of graduation practice and the younger 2 got out of school early.
This evening I took Katherine over to Claire's so they could finish their social studies project. I stayed there and visited with Justine while they worked.
When we were done Katherine and I went to Costco then came around and picked up Jeff from Karate.
We continued watching Orphan Black tonight.

June 11 ~ Tuesday

The new editions, Buttercup and Tinker Bell.

This morning Jeff and I went out to Camarillo to pick up 2 little dwarf hamsters.
We picked up the kids then came home and Jeff planted the pumpkins.
My lower back went out this morning so I had to take easy the whole day trying to make it feel better.
While Jeff was Karate, I played monopoly with Jeffrey and Katherine.
Jeffrey won.
Another Orphan Black tonight. Great show!

June 10 ~ Monday

The tomatoes are getting ready to ripen.

Alex had the first of 3 graduation practices this morning.
No more school for him!
I had an appt with Dr G.
Basic Monday with the kids going to Karate and me shopping while I waited to bring them home.
I made burgers for dinner and we watched Orphan Black.

June 9 ~ Sunday

This is what Katherine's hair looked like yesterday after she slept in curlers so it would be all fancy for the choir show.

I picked up Alex from Joyce's this morning around 10 AM and then dropped Katherine off at Claire's for them to work on s project and spend some time swimming.
I talked to Em on the phone for awhile looking forward to her visit this week.
I picked Katherine up in the afternoon, did some grocery shopping, made spaghetti at home and worked in the yard with Jeff.
We watched Falling Skies tonight.

June 8 ~ Saturday

Jennifer, Joyce and Alex all dressed up and ready to go to prom.

I took Jeff to Karate this morning, picked up some cat food and then headed home.
Katherine and I spent some time cleaning this morning then we took a bunch of plastic recycling down to the machines and made $30.
Jeff stayed at Karate because he had a girl scout safety seminar.
I took Katherine to her choir show and helped sell baked goods.
When that was all done we went and picked up Jeff.
At home we worked in the yard until it was time to take Alex to meet up with Joyce and go to prom.
We watched Orphan Black tonight.

June 7 ~ Friday

Jeff and Jeffrey working in yard.

Jeff drove the kids to school this morning then stayed over in that area until his DMV appt so he could renew his drivers license which was almost a year out of date. (We never noticed!)
Then he picked up Alex at 9:30 from his last final and came on home.
We tried to go pick up some roses for free but they weren't worth the effort to dig out so we just came home.
We worked in the yard most of the day.
We watched Continuum tonight.

June 6 ~ Thursday

This is a bowl of succulent cuttings I put together from yesterday.

We are finally getting some more plants in the ground.
We picked up Alex early from finals today at 11 AM and continued working in the yard.
I made casserole for dinner tonight

June 5 ~ Wednesday

Some of the cactus/succulents we brought home.

This morning Jeff and I drove out to Ventura and got a bunch of cactus and succulents cuttings.
The rest of the day was pretty typical. KArate, shopping home.
I made burgers and picked up Jeff.

June 4 ~ Tuesday

The last orchid cactus finally opened up. These are different than the other ones.

Jeff and I spent some quality time together this morning.
We went to Costco before we picked up the kids.
I took Jeffrey to Weslake where he is preparing for his concert, dropped Jeff off at Karate, went home to get Katherine then the two of us went back to Westlake and watched Jeffreys strings concert.
We picked up Jeff on the way home, put the kids ot bed and watched Revolution.

June 3 ~ Monday

The spider plants I planted a week or so ago are looking good.

Another day we worked in the yard.
I had an appt with Dr G this morning to work on my back.
Typical Monday except Jeff forgot his Gi and after I dropped him off I had to go home and bring it back to him.
Tonight we watched Warehouse 13.

June 2 ~ Sunday

The plants I rescued from near death are perking up.

This morning we returned the lawn mower to Sensei and picked up our week whacker.
We picked up the kids from the Simons, stopped at the marker and headed home.
Jeff worked in the front of the house and I cleaned up the front walkway plants.
I made a casserole for dinner and the kids watched Princess Bride.
We watched Revolution tonight.

June 1 ~ Saturday

One of our new arrivals.

Jeff and Jeffrey went to Karate, Alex went to Chris and Joshs to work on a project and Katherine and i went shopping.I picked up Jeffrey from karate then dropped Jeffrey and Katherine at the Simons, picked up Alex then picked up Jeff.
Jeff had a business call with David and I drove out to Oxnard and picked up 2 free cockatiels and a cage.
More yard work, market then relaxing.
We watched Revolution tonight.