September 30 ~ Monday

They grow up so fast!


September 24 ~ Tuesday

         #1  Oldest yellow baby


#2 Oldest white baby:

#3 Yellow wings, aqua body:

#4 Younger white:

#5 darker green & aqua:

#6 smaller version of #5

September 20 ~ Karate Grading

 Jeffrey's Black belt grading and Katherine getting her 2nd degree Brown Belt

September 20 ~ Friday


 The babies are getting bigger one one of them now has feathers

September 10 ~ Tuesday

Update on baby birds:
2 more eggs hatched, one didn't make it but the other is holding it's own for a total of 6 squirming bald babies.
I picked up the last egg thinking it must not be viable by this point. I took it into the dark hallway to shine a flashlight into it to see if it was empty when I heard something. I looked around and realized the egg of PEEPING at me. Turns out egg is alive and waiting to hatch. Back into the nest box it went.

September 8 ~ Saturday

 Iggy waiting for his breakfast

September 3 ~ Tuesday

 This is Kitten

She hitched a ride from Arizona with us

Welcome to the family!

Sept 4 ~ Wednesday

5 baby parakeets so far.
3 unhatched eggs.
Faces only a mother could love right now.

September 1 ~ Sunday

 We drove out to Arizona to see Chris & the kids