February 17

Jeffrey's allergic reaction to the guinea pig.

This morning we picked the kids up from their perspective friends houses.
They were very excited to see the guinea pig.
Jeffrey held it and cuddled it, touched his eyes and had a huge allergic reaction.
Poor kid! But Benedryl took care of it. Now we have to see if he can handle it, wash his hands and be OK.
I spent the day with Katherine cleaning out their room. UGH! Still have more to do tomorrow to get all the stuff we pulled out of the closet cleaned up. I took a few breaks to watch some NCIS with Jeff.
I also cleaned the laundry room and fought with the floor steamer which decided it didn't want to work anymore.
We went to the market in the evening and picked up a frozen pizza since I didn't want to cook.
We watched The Walking Dead and now I'm ready for bed!