February 15

Ally all tucked in.

Today there was no school for the 4 day presidents weekend.
YAY! I slept in!
Jeff and I spent a little more time at the Dojo working out how we are going to change things when it officially turns over to him.
We returned the fluorescent bulbs we bought yesterday and also went into Target and checked out their microwaves and it looks like Costco will be our best bet.
We dropped Jeffrey off at Mason's house (Katherine is at Gabby's probably til Sunday) and then we hit the dollar store for hand soap then went to the market.
At home I made fajitas with homemade spices (yum) and some oatmeal cookies.
These have to be the last batch I make because I have to get on a good eating/exercise program before I don't fit in any of my clothes.
Had my tea and freshly  baked cookies while we watched Revolution tonight.
Sensei's son finally turned up on the show... We've been watching for him.
Looks like he may have a regular role.