January 19

Look who showed up at my door this afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's Emily coming to see me for my birthday!!!!!!!!!

This was the most surprised I think I have been in forever!
Em flew all the way from Seattle just to visit me for one day!!
Is that cool or what???

She arrived just as we were leaving to go pick up Jeffrey (how lucky was it that she didn't miss us?).
We all drove over to get him then we headed over to Sensei Mel's house to check on his dogs. We stopped at the market on the way home and once here, I made casserole and all of us sat around and watched the Ellen DVD present that Em sent.

We stayed up as late as we could talking and having a good time until she passed out since she had been up since 2 AM. Jeff and I watched another installment of Revolution (I had tea and cookies) and then off to bed.