January 6

Meanwhile on the back of the couch:

Last day before the kids go back to school.
I made pancakes for breakfast and everyone was happy. Until they realized we only had flavored syrup and and then griping began. Had I known the maple/cinnamon & vanilla/spice syrup was going to taste disgusting, I never would have bought it. So it wasn't really my fault.
Jeffrey spent his day playing minecraft for 110 hours.
Jeff and I spent it relaxing watching TV. I, of course, continued on with my picture sorting.
We watched the rest of really a bad Sy-Fy movie about Zombies starring Levar Burton who dies about 3/4 of the way through. Actually almost everyone dies (or kills themselves). These zombies were the most agile I have ever seen. They climbed up the side of the Golden Gate Bridge, even the ones missing an arm or leg. They even swam across the water to attack and kill everyone trying to take refuge on Alcatraz. Smart zombies.
Then we went back to NCIS. Believable plots and more likable characters.
Gotta get to bed early tonight. No more sleeping in until 9 AM. That damn alarm will drag me out of sweet slumber before 7 AM. UGH UGH UGH.