January 7

As expected I did not want to get out of bed this morning.
But I did.
And was greeted with a windshield frozen solid that required the old "pitcher of hot water" trick. Not sure why our neighbors haven't figured this one out. The other morning I heard them out there scraping away at 7 in the morning.
I got everyone to school without incident and we were allowed a quiet house to resume eBay selling.
We found all the boxes of old game systems in the garage and started matching up cords, power supplies and controllers so they can be sold off. We've got PS 1s, PS 2s, Gamecubes, N64, SNES.
I also caught pick up duty and as soon as I got them home it was off again to take them and Jeff to Karate.
Van is still out of commission so we are having to be creative in getting the crew around.
I did a Costco run and came back to the dojo to pick the kids up and bring them home for dinner.
While I got leftover spaghetti ready, all I heard from the dining room / homework zone was a whole lotta NO homework going on.

MOM... Katherine is smiling at me for NO reason! (THIS is the thing he chooses to complain about)
MOM... I can't figure out how to work out this triangles ratio thingy, can you come show me how (um, no)
MOM!!! (No one here by that name, move along please)

We are finishing up Eureka Season 3.0 and today I bought season 3.5 so we won't have to wait to see what happens.